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Living The Dream – OR – A Day Operating an Alaskan Summer Camp

100 Days of Fishing, Kayaking, Camping, Water Taxis & More Doesn’t sound so tough, does it? Enter a day in the life of Elijah, Miller’s Landing’s Operations Manager. Your alarm goes off at 5AM. It might as well be noon, it hasn’t been dark at night for a month.      Hopefully you got a…

What is the Best of Alaska Tour? Kayaking, Fishing, Sightseeing in a day!

What makes the Best of Alaska Tour the “Best of Alaska”? Our Best of Alaska trip takes you to the glaciers for an ice specific paddle, provides a meal, fishing for 4 hours for rock fish and salmon (in season), and sightseeing to the National Park, all in the same day, in a small group…

Miller’s Landing at the Minnesota Sportsman’s Show

Minnesota Sportsman’s Show View this email in your browser Thank you for stopping by our booth at the Minnesota Sportsman’s Show in Saint Paul – our very first trade show! We appreciate your time talking with us, you may have been able to tell but Capt. Chance was very nervous! The overwhelming warmth and friendliness of the convention participants, both those exhibiting and those passing through, was incredible. Learning experiences walking away from the show were plentiful: An overwhelming majority of people were interested or surprised to hear that their trip to Alaska could be arranged at whatever budget they wanted to work with.  That the trip they always wanted to do didn’t have to be at an all inclusive lodge or remote location.  Our being on the road system and having direct flights from Minneapolis made the dream to…

What is a Fox Willie?

        Miller’s Landing welcomes an addition to the crew View this email in your browser We had to do it. Folks, all great things come to an end. Sometimes, that means an amazing opportunity for a new beginning and we think this is one of those times. We have arranged to replace our tried and true 6 passenger fishing platform the Michael C with a brand new custom built inspected landing craft.  For those that loved the Michael C, that doesn’t mean she’s getting put on the shelf – it just means we had to face the facts with the soon to come cost of a repower, and it boiled down to the hard truth that replacement was a smarter choice. This boat – a high tunnel, high speed, USCG inspected passenger transporting aluminum catamaran has been designed through collaboration with…

Res Bay’s Greatest Hits

Our Office Manager Elijah loves taking pictures of Resurrection Bay, and it’s amazing how different the view from our office is from day-to-day, or even hour-to-hour! As he is fond of saying- ‘She isn’t known for her subtlety!’


We do everything at Miller’s Landing. From commercial marine assistance (need a tow? run out of fuel? can’t dock your boat?), freight transport (building a cabin somewhere?), to supporting the local marine science community: we’ll figure out how to apply our resources to your needs. Jen Questel & Ayla Doubleday, academics at large at the University of Alaska Fairbanks working with Russel Hopcroft stopped in to do some impromptu pteropod tows with the ring net seen above. We loaded up with what looks like a cod end full of snot after two short tows, and they were on the way to Fairbanks in no time. Once in Fairbanks, Dr. Hopcroft and graduate student Doubleday will experiment with these tiny critters in an attempt to keep them happy under laboratory conditions. This is done in order to measure a rate of…

Contemplating Ice

You’re doing it anyway. Even from armchairs and flat screen televisions and behind giant cups of coffee: We live in an age where you’re forced to have an opinion on… well… frozen water. Whatever your stance on climate change, these glaciers are beautiful, and they’re receding, and you should make it a point to go see…

Aialik Bay and Northwestern Fjord are truly incredible places – But don’t take our word for it!

A fantastic thing has happened in the way of some really great industry feedback lately. The ladies from Alaska Adventure Chicks have written a fantastic account of their day trip to Aialik Bay on the Michael A, and made a pretty fun video to boot! Check it out! Photograph by Myron Rosenberg, ©️, All rights…

2015 Halibut Harvest Guidelines

Halibut Harvest Guidelines Are In – or – David and Goliath, Trawlers Win? Well guys, it’s official. The 2015 Halibut Harvest Guidelines have been released by the IPHC (International Pacific Halibut Commission).  There are some new rules this year! First of all, carried over from 2014 is the 1 halibut of any size, 1 halibut under 29″ rule.  This means that if we limit out, one of the fish is required to be smaller.  We’re fortunate in area 3A to not be limited to 1 halibut per person, like in some areas of the state.   Also, the crew of the boat are not allowed to retain halibut themselves – this is an effort to reduce overall catch by the charter fleet by not allowing the captain and deckhand as crew members to retain halibut. Additionally, only 1 halibut charter…

Red Salmon Attack Seward!

The Red Salmon are coming! JR & Claudia limit out for fun on delectable reds beach fishing! Our fantastic guide JR and his wife Claudia have been out at the river every day to keep their callous hands on the heartbeat of the sneaky Red Salmon just starting to run.  As you can see, their…

Amazing Post Season Feedback!

One of the great things about the Holidays is it brings family together. For us, that means that the folks we took fishing and kayaking all summer are in the same room again, chatting about their experiences.  This often leads to a kind letter, a photograph or two, and sometimes even a nice card arriving…