Red Salmon Attack Seward!

The Red Salmon are coming!

JR & Claudia limit out for fun on delectable reds beach fishing!
Our fantastic guide JR and his wife Claudia have been out at the river every day to keep their callous hands on the heartbeat of the sneaky Red Salmon just starting to run. As you can see, their 6 per person limit has been reached once again. 12 delicious salmon hanging out front makes us all a little giddy – Summer is here! Our Aialik Bay and Northwestern Lagoon kayaking trips are epic, and we’ve really had a great time lately (check out the Kayak Training & Guide’s photo album on the Miller’s Website (CLICK HERE). We’re offering a 15% discount for those that mention this blog or the Miller’s Landing Newsletter!

He’s gonna eat it!
Furthermore, Captain Dustin, our very own deep sea fishing expert, has been tainted by the beach fishing plague. “But Chance, we can’t catch salmon from the boat yet!” he cried while I beat him with a circle hook on a leader. I can’t have them all switching over to flies and spinners, this is ridiculous! I guess just once and awhile is fine, but seriously, this one will sneak off after a full day halibut charter and run across the bay to slay sockeye, and then he shows up all tired and bleary eyed the next morning. We started hanging herring soaked in pro-cure and 24oz lead head jigs in the rear view mirror of his truck, just to remind him where he belongs. If he starts showing up with flies in his hat, we’re going to have a gaff hook intervention.