Stay Informed!
Alaska is lauded as having the best managed fisheries in the world. The regulations are important, and they change each year, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. Check out the links below to the International Pacific Halibut Commission websites and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Make sure you’re aware of the rules before you head out on a trip, be it alone or guided!
Seward is located in the North Gulf Coast state area 3A. Links to purchase a fishing license through the Alaska Department of Fish & Game website are at the bottom of this page!
Also find below links to the 2021 Fishing Guidelines for the Kenai Peninsula as a whole, as well as specific guidelines for the Seward Area.
Recent updates to Fishing Regulations will be posted below.
Area 3A (South-central Alaska)
- Two fish daily bag limit: Charter vessel anglers may catch and retain two halibut per day.
- 28-inch maximum size limit on one fish: Charter vessel anglers may keep one fish of any size per day and one fish that is no more than 28 inches in length. The 28-inch maximum size limit allows anglers to keep a second fish that weighs approximately 7 pounds, after the head and guts have been removed.
- Trip limit: Charter vessels may only take one trip during which charter vessel anglers retain halibut per day / charter halibut permits may only be used for one charter halibut fishing trip per day during which charter vessel anglers retain halibut.
- No annual limit: Charter anglers are not subject to an annual limit on the number of halibut they retain.
- Wednesday closure: Charter vessel anglers may not catch and retain halibut (except GAF) on Wednesdays from June 21st through August 9th.
- Tuesday closure: Charter vessel anglers may not catch and retain halibut (except GAF) on Tuesdays from June 20th through August 15th.
Fishing License
Fishing licenses can be purchased online. Children under age 16 do not need to have a fishing license. Military stationed in Alaska and residents pay for an annual. If you hope to retain King Salmon, you will need a King Salmon Stamp in addition to your fishing license.
*Buying Fishing Licenses and King Salmon Stamps Online – you can bring a printed copy, a PDF copy on your phone, or upload licenses in the ADFG mobile app.
Buy your fishing and hunting license online